"45 things I have learned at 45 "
Put God in Everything you do
Say “Lord I thank you” at least once every day” My Godmom
Hold America Accountable for their racism and blatant lies about our history
Be Kind
Be Humble
Be Empathetic
Be at peace with your decisions
Be positive in the midst of turmoil
Be a part of the solution, not the problem
Be extremely careful who you let in your inner-circle
“Be impeccable with your word, especially to yourself” just learned this two weeks ago from someone extra special - ML
“Learn how to get along” My Godmom
“Slow Down, You must take care of yourself” My Godmom
Follow your instincts
Meet your family where they are at, expect nothing
Learn the lessons from your mistakes
Never hang around negative people
Never eat at repasses
Never let your right hand know what your left hand is doing
Racism is wrong but so is not sticking together as African Americans/Blacks
Hold Black People ,Black Politicians , Black Judges, Black Attorneys, and Black Teachers/Administrators accountable for the current state of the Black Community
Respect is a two-way street
Keep it real but say it softly, I am a work in progress
Try not to cuss out people after you reach 31 years of age, I am a work in progress
Treat others how you want to be treated
Speak things into existence
Follow your instincts
Know that passive aggressive people can be extremely dangerous
Put people in their categories i.e., acquaintances, friends , life-timers and “baiters”
Don’t be scared to end a friendship, the right one is usually around the corner
Jewelry ain’t worth shit, don’t invest in it
Don’t Judge
Give off good energy
Focus on who is, not who isn’t
Tell your secrets to JESUS only
Carrying the extra 40+ lbs after 40 is too much, May 30, 2018 is my goal
Take a nap when you have reached your tipping point
Pay close attention to the “small stuff”
Ask Questions?
Stop and enjoy your surroundings
Do your part to make this world a better place
Find what feeds your spirit, for me it is my Saturday morning Jazz Class
Seek counseling at least three times in your lifetime
44.Always remember to give back
45.If you don’t use your gifts, you will lose them, for me this would be singing
3 Bonuses
46. Not singing the National Anthem is your right, take a knee or two whenever you feel moved, This has nothing to do with our beloved Veterans nor current military
47.Your vote for President of the United States is very important, make better choicesin selecting the next President
48.Confront only when necessary
"45 and Alive! Lord I thank you"