The B-Relyt Organization and AAA (my book) Team
No man or woman is an island. And I have been blessed with amazing people in my life. This is my team that is making The B-Relyt Organization and my book, AAA (Authenticity, Accountability & Ambitions) possible. Some of my team listed below will only have their initials and will remain anonymous. However, all of them have been and will continue to be significant in the success of The B-Relyt Organization and AAA. This is my way of saying Thank you and letting you know that I deeply appreciate each and every one of you.
Roberto, Robert and his Dad and Grandad
They are my contractors who have transformed half of our home and really our lives. RRDG is Roberto’s Dad and Robert’s grandpa and they are a family owned construction business. They have seen me at my worst and I hope one day they will speak to my character. This week’s blog picture is just a piece of our new kitchen that we absolutely enjoy every millisecond cooking and socializing in – Thank you from the bottom of my heart RRDG. RRDG has had my Auntie Barbara’s chocolate pound cake and you know I only share that with family and/or extended family.
Verhagen and Bennett (
I was referred to two of the best attorneys and co-owners of Verhagen and Bennett, LLP. I really feel blessed to have selected such a progressive and amazing group to help build the B-Relyt Organization. We will be growing old together. Your technique, business development and leadership have been crucial in protecting me and more importantly growing my Brand - Thank you Dallas and David – you are the best.
Her initials are E.R. and I train with her once a week. And sometimes after our sessions I want to go into the ER. She has the biggest heart and she is an absolutely amazing human being. We go way back to our teens. Thank you for being a force to reckon with as you help me achieve my goals.
She is my photographer with the magic camera and we go way back. B.N. is responsible for the recent pics on my website and she will be instrumental in my book cover design for AAA
My Hair and….
For my hair I have several hair stylists as you need more than one in Los Angeles, CA.
J.A.M. are her initials but I always feel it is because she jams in my hair.
Oasis Hair Design (On Overhill Drive and 58th Place – (323)293-0258)
Warren G – Owner and hair stylist extraordinaire. Ladies he mixes his own conditioners –treat your hair.
Kim – stylist and phenomenal braider
Tannika - stylist and my make-up artist
My Editors
For AAA her initials are J.J.
For Book #2 her initials are W.G.
Gabby (IG @ toyourhealthandriches for good financial and life tips)
My biggest supporter and dear friend for over 22 years.
I hope that each member of my team listed above allows me to feature them in a future B-RELYT Blog. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all for helping me stamp 2017 with greatness. I look forward to working with each and every one of you in 2018.
Please note that the B-Relyt blogs will be sporadic until my book AAA is published in 2018. I am wishing everyone a blessed and prosperous 2018. Thank you for taking time to read my blogs and/or Instagram. The best is yet to come.