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Math Facts
These bi-weekly worksheets are designed to begin to strengthen your child’s foundation and understanding of Math. Please have your child read over the respective Math Level. Have them do one problem every other day at night before they go to bed. When they have completed all the problems​...

Verbally quiz them on the respective important terms

Verbally say and solve an example until the next B-RELYT post
Special Math Classes
Tuesday 3/21/2023 and Wednesday 3/22/2023
Elementary School: 9 - 10 AM PST
Middle School: 10:30 AM - 12 PM PST
High School: 1 - 2:30 PM PST
Senora Kimlin esta ofreceindo Matematicas
Martes (21 de Marzo) y Miercoles (22 de Marzo)
Escuela Primaria: 9 - 10 AM
Escuela Intermedia: 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Escuela Secundaria: 1 - 2:30 PM
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