“Staying committed to your own people, benefits others as well.” Dr. Barbara Avery, Vice-Chancellor
Last week on my FB page (Kimlin Johnson) I asked my followers to tell me which number from my list of 45 would they like for me to expound on? #18 and #21 were selected.
“#18 Never eat at repasses”
This is just my personal opinion, although I have been practicing this for over 20 years. When my great-grandmother, Lucille Grinnell passed away, I remember the bereavement committee at my grandmother’s church cooking all the food at her repass. It was from this moment on, because the food just did not taste right and I was grieving, that I don’t eat at repasses to this day. As a matter of fact, I prefer not to attend repasses. When an emergency happens, I will be there for you right away, however a repass I want no parts of, at all. I attribute my response to my great-grandmother’s death as my personal way of grieving. And since everyone grieves differently you have to find what works for you.
“#21 Hold Black People ,Black Politicians , Black Judges, Black Attorneys, and Black Teachers/Administrators accountable for the current state of the Black Community”
My book, Authenticity, Accountability and Ambitions (AAA)-What America is lacking through a Black Woman’s eyes? is part history, part memoir and part self-help. #21 touches on the part self-help section of my book. “In my opinion, racism will never change, therefore we as Black people are going to have to change. We are going to have to change the way we treat each other, look out for each other, trust each other and most importantly love one another,” Kimlin Johnson – AAA. The only way, we as Black people can rise above the racism, injustices and slavery is to admit that one of the biggest factors pulling us down is how we treat each other. Yes America is racist, yes laws need to be changed but we as Black have work to do too. As Blacks, we try to pretend things away, however in order to move forward successfully we are going to have to face how we treat each other, change it and unite. AAA goes into explicit details of how we treat each other with examples and path to solutions.
I have been a Career Day speaker for free at a local predominantly Black elementary school for over 10 years. However, I was not reaching enough Black students so I have been inspired through AAA and B-RELYT to campaign for my calling. I know there are some Blacks out there that are also trying to make a difference but it is going to have to be each and everyone of us making a difference at all times in order to thrive in America. There is more chaos in our Black community than collective thriving.
Black people built and founded America and the mental slavery must stop so we can, “Train up a child in the way they should grow.” I feel our Black millennials are in need of being reached in a softer way, a way where they will know their place in society. There are a lot of challenges, that Black millennials must overcome, like so many Blacks are being murdered for no reasons with no consequences. Things could be easier for Black people just as it is for other races.
I applaud the Black People that are on the team trying to make a difference, however we are in the minority. Dr. Avery’s quote speaks to essence of what is needed as when Black people look out for each other, it makes the world a better place. Therefore, hold Black people accountable, unite and together I know things will and can change in America. I am reminded of the song by the Ojay’s, “Don’t Call Me your Brother” and I encourage everyone to listen to it on you tube, dialogue and make changes.
Some of the Lyrics from “Don’t Call Me Your Brother:”
“(Chorus) Don't you call me brother (Eddie Levert:} Unless you really, really Mean it (Chorus) Don't you call me brother (Eddie:) Unless you get yourself together (Walter Williams :) How can you call me brother When you don't even respect my woman When I can't even trust you behind my back (Eddie:) How can you call me brother -- How can you do it? When you keep tryin' to rip me off? How in the world can you call me brother When we can't even have A man-to-man talk?.....”